– pre-employment evaluation
– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
– forensic assessment
– police psych exam disqualifiers

70+ Google Reviews for the  Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

Tips on Passing the NYPD Oral Exam

Be Honest: Always answer every question honestly and consistently, ensuring that your oral responses are the same as those on your written exam, because any discrepancies will be reviewed closely. Never try to conceal information being asked of you. It is imperative that you be upfront and honest with all of answers even if you think that part of your background and/or experience will not be received well. It is also important to always being honest and maintain a positive and professional attitude at all times.

Be Confident and Well-Prepared: Review your personal history beforehand so you are properly prepared. Utilize practice questions and mock interviews so you are confident and comfortable with whatever questions and topics are presented to you, and be sure to clearly articulate your responses. Avoid rambling or going off topic when responding; remember to remain focused on the question presented to you.

Be Professional: Dress professionally, arrive on time, be respectful to your interview, make and maintain proper eye contact, and always answer questions directly and clearly, avoiding responses that are vague or evasive. Listen closely, paying attention to the questions being asked, allowing yourself the time to formulate a concise and thoughtful response.

Be Positive: Make sure to highlight all of your strengths and any relevant experience you may have in an effort to show your suitability for the job. When presented with a “tricky” question, remain calm and be sure to offer a thoughtful response, providing a detailed explanation of your decision-making process which brought you to that conclusion. Remember to remain calm and avoid displaying any signs of frustration or anxiety. Equally important, if you unsure about something, acknowledge that you do not have the answer and ask for clarification. You must be able to show empathy, handle stress and demonstrate your ability to handle various situations and people.

NYPD Character Assessment Appeal Attorney

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful. Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-Tips on Passing the NYPD Oral Exam

NYC Bridge

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70+ Google Reviews for the  Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

In order to pass the NYPD psychological exam, candidates should prepare by:

  • practicing with sample questions;
  • answering questions honestly. Remember, the exam is designed to detect inconsistencies, so always answer truthfully, even if it might seem unfavorable;
  • displaying traits desirable for a police officer;
  • thinking like a police officer;
  • managing stress effectively. Candidates should practice relaxation techniques to manage anxiety before and during the exam; and
    being aware of your mental health and stability. If you have concerns about your mental health, consult with a psychologist or counselor before taking the exam.

    The NYPD looks for the following traits in a candidate:
  • Emotional stability: Ability to handle stressful situations calmly and appropriately.
  • Integrity and honesty: Strong moral compass and willingness to uphold the law.
  • Decision-making skills: Ability to make sound judgments under pressure.
  • Interpersonal skills: Effective communication and ability to interact with diverse individuals.
  • Adaptability: Flexibility and the capacity to adjust to changing circumstances.

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful.  Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-Tips to Pass the NYPD Psychological Exam

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– police psych exam disqualifiers

70+ Google Reviews for the  Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

Why did I Fail the NYPD Psych Exam?

There are many reasons why you may have failed the NYPD psych exam, such as showing signs of extreme emotional instability, being dishonest in your answers, exhibiting lack of judgment, poor decision-making abilities, aggressive tendencies, inability to control anger or severe mental health concerns, or displaying your ability to handle stress or cope with the demands of  a law enforcement professional. Basically, any traits that cause the psychologist who is evaluating you to decide that you were not psychologically fit for the role of a police officer.

The following are key reasons why candidates fail the NYPD psych exam:

Poor Stress Tolerance: Displaying excessive anxiety or difficulty in managing high-pressure situations.
Poor Judgment or Decision-Making: Offering responses that display questionable decision-making abilities in critical situations.
Aggression or Anger Issues: Showing any type of excessive anger or hostility, or displaying aggressive behaviors.
Inconsistent or Dishonest Answers: Offering answers that appear untruthful or contradict your prior answers to the same or similar questions.
Mental Health Concerns: If you have been diagnosed with a mental health condition that could adversely impact your ability to perform your duties as a police officer.
Immaturity: Displaying a lack of emotional maturity or poor coping skills and/or mechanisms.
Poor Interpersonal Skills: Demonstrating an inability to interact with others in a professional manner.
Bias or Prejudice: Displaying biased and/or discriminatory views and attitudes.
Lacking Credibility: Offering responses that raise concerns and/or questions about your reliability or trustworthiness.

If you do fail the NYPD psych exam, you can:

Request detailed feedback from the psychologist who decided you were unqualified, to understand the specific reasons why you failed.
Seek professional help by hiring your own mental health professional who will address the specific reasons why you were disqualified and assist you with the appeal of your disqualification.
Prepare for a re-evaluation if you feel you can address the concerns that were raised, then you may want to consider the possibility of retaking the psych exam once you have properly prepared for it.

Kevin P. Sheerin - NYPD Psychological Disqualification Appeals Attorney

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful. Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-Why did I Fail the NYPD Psych Exam?

Stressed About the NYPD Psychological Evaluation

– pre-employment evaluation
– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
– forensic assessment
– police psych exam disqualifiers

70+ Google Reviews for the  Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

How to Pass the NYPD Psychological Exam…

To pass the NYPD psychological exam, the best approach is to practice using sample questions and to always answer honestly. Remember to think like a police officer when responding (ie: be decisive). You should come to the exam well-rested and in a good mental state. Consistency with your answers is key as the exam is designed to assess your suitability for the role as an NYPD officer based on your personality traits. 

The following are key points to remember:

Practice Using Sample Questions: Become familiar with the various types of questions that will be asked of you by taking practice tests, and reviewing sample questions which you can find online. 

Answer Honestly: You should always answer honestly and never fabricate your answers. Remember, inconsistencies in your answers can lead to failing the exam. 

Think Like a Police Officer: When giving your answers, think how a police officer would respond if put in a similar situation. 

Be Decisive: Never give vague answers and always state your opinions and perspectives clearly. 

Manage Your Stress: Make sure you are well-rested and relaxed before taking the exam to ensure that you are composed and focused. 

Understand the Purpose: Remember that the exam is not just about mental health, as the purpose is to assess your personality traits and suitability in connection with the demands associated with being an NYPD officer. 

Exhibiting signs of extreme emotional instability, dishonesty or inconsistencies in your answers, as well as lack of judgment, poor decision-making abilities, aggressive tendencies, inability to control anger or severe mental health concerns are all reasons a candidate might fail the NYPD Psychological exam.


Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful.  Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-How to Pass the NYPD Psychological Exam

Stressed About the NYPD Psychological Evaluation

– pre-employment evaluation
– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
– forensic assessment
– police psych exam disqualifiers

70+ Google Reviews for the  Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

Reasons Candidates Fail the NYPD Psychological Exam…

The NYPD psychological exam evaluates a candidate’s suitability for law enforcement. The following are some reasons why candidates may fail the exam: 

Mental Health: Anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, or other mental health issues.

Substance Use/Abuse: Misuse, abuse, or addiction of alcohol or any other substances.

Interpersonal Skills: Poor social competence, presentation, or interpersonal skills.

Judgment: Poor judgment, poor impulse control, or difficulty making decisions.

Stress Tolerance: Poor stress tolerance or difficulty coping with the demands associated with the job of law enforcement.

Honesty: Being dishonest about your personal history, relationships, employment, experiences, or psychological issues.

Bias: Racial or any other bias.

Immaturity: Immaturity or failure to adjust to the psychological demands of adulthood.

The NYPD psychological exam is a comprehensive evaluation that includes both written tests and an oral interview. The goal of the exam is to ensure that candidates are mentally and emotionally prepared for the challenges of police work. 

Candidates who fail the exam can appeal the decision, by starting an appeal process within 30 days, consulting with a lawyer, and getting an independent psychological evaluation.

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful.  Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-Reasons Candidates Fail the NYPD Psychological Exam

Stressed About the NYPD Psychological Evaluation

– pre-employment evaluation
– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
– forensic assessment
– police psych exam disqualifiers

70+ Google Reviews for the  Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

How Long is the NYPD Psychological Exam?

The NYPD psychological examination is a multi-part assessment that includes both the written test and an oral interview. You should expect the exam to take several hours to complete. The following is a breakdown of the NYPD psychological exam components:

The Written Test: The written test is a full day of paperwork that includes questionnaires, symptom inventories, and personality inventories. The test could include both true/false and multiple-choice questions. The goal of the test is to gauge a candidates honesty and consistency. 

Oral Interview: The oral interview is a one-on-one evaluation with a psychologist in which a candidate will be asked about their educational, employment, psychological, medical, and legal history. The interview may also delve into a candidate’s social relationships and any areas of concern. You should expect the interview to take about an hour, but it could take longer if the psychologist chooses to ask additional questions.

Preparation: You should bring your resume, transcripts, and any other relevant documentation to the interview. Candidates should be prepared to answer all of the questions honestly and openly. You should practice answering anticipated questions in an effort to improve your time management and speed.

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful.  Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-How Long is the NYPD Psychological Exam?

Failing to Admit Minor Issues May Result in NYPD Disqualification

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– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
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– police psych exam disqualifiers

70+ Google Reviews for the  Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

What are NYPD Disqualifiers?

The following is a list of factors that may disqualify an NYPD candidate from becoming a New York Police Department Officer:

A Criminal Record: Felony convictions, domestic violence misdemeanor convictions, and certain other misdemeanors can lead to a candidate’s disqualification.

Military discharge: A dishonorable discharge from the military can also lead to a candidate’s disqualification.

Drug use
: If a candidate has a history of illegal drug use, especially recent or severe use, this can lead to a candidate’s disqualification. 

Financial issues
: If a candidate has a poor credit history, unpaid debts, or evidence of fraud, these behaviors can lead to a disqualification.

: If a candidate lies, misrepresents or omits facts about themselves and/or their history on the application or during the background investigation, such actions can lead to a disqualification.

Unprofessional behavior
: If a candidate has a history of disrespect for the law or a history of of violence or poor job performance, such history can lead to a disqualification.

Physical fitness
: If a candidate fails to meet the required physical fitness standards, this can lead to a candidate’s disqualification. 

Psychological evaluation
: If a candidate fails the psychological evaluation, this failure could lead to a disqualification.

Medical conditions
: If a candidate suffers from chronic health conditions that are not managed, such as high blood pressure or severe asthma, these health conditions can lead to a disqualification.

The NYPD’s background check is comprehensive and includes reviewing a candidate’s criminal, employment, educational, and personal history. Candidates who receive a Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD) can appeal the decision. Appealing a NOPD can help a candidate, as it can demonstrate their character and ability to perform their duties as a police officer.

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful.  Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

Should You Hire an NYPD Disqualification Appeals Attorney

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-What are NYPD Disqualifiers?

Character & Background Disqualification

– pre-employment evaluation
– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
– forensic assessment
– police psych exam disqualifiers

70+ Google Reviews for the  Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

What is Involved in the NYPD Hiring Process? 

The New York City Police Department (NYPD) hiring process includes a written exam, medical exam, psychological exams, background investigation, and job standards test. Candidates must pass all phases to be considered for the position. 

Written Exam: All candidates must pass a written exam offered by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) 

Medical Exam: This exam includes a physical exam, EKG, blood pressure exam, vision test, and hearing test. Candidates should bring documentation regarding any preexisting conditions. 

Psychological Exams: This exam includes both written and oral psychological exams.

Background Investigation: The Background Investigation included both a background check and character investigation. Candidates who have been convicted of certain offenses, such as domestic violence, are automatically disqualified. 

Job standards test (JST): JST includes a continuous physical test that includes sprinting, climbing stairs, physical restraint simulation, pursuit run, victim rescue, and trigger pull. Candidates must complete the test in 4 minutes and 28 seconds to pass. 

Drug and alcohol screening: Candidates are required to pass a drug and alcohol screening. 

The average time it takes to get hired by the NYPD is 6 months to 1 year, but can take as little as 2 months or as long as 4 years.

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful.  Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

Should You Hire an NYPD Disqualification Appeals Attorney

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-What is Involved in the NYPD Hiring Process?

– pre-employment evaluation
– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
– forensic assessment
– police psych exam disqualifiers

90+ Google Reviews for the  Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

NYPD Disqualifications – Why Was I Disqualified?

An NYPD candidate can be disqualified from a law enforcement position for a number of reasons, such as:

Psychological issues: Which include anxiety, depression, anger, poor judgment, poor impulse control, poor stress tolerance, poor interpersonal skills and substance misuse, just to name a few.

School records: Candidates can also be disqualified for having an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or having taken ADHD medicine while in school.

Other factors: Racial bias, poor presentation, immaturity, and failure to adjust to adulthood are other factors that can lead to a candidate receiving a disqualification.

The NYPD’s psychological exam is designed to assess a candidate’s emotional and psychological fitness for law enforcement. The exam includes both a written test and an oral interview. The written test consists of questionnaires, symptom inventories, and personality inventory measures, while the oral interview is a one-on-one evaluation with a psychologist. 

If you have been disqualified, you can appeal the decision by hiring an independent psychologist to assess you. You may also want to explain that what happened while you were in school is not your current state or condition. In any event, you should take some type of action in order to avoid having the disqualification become final, as this may affect your ability to get any other civil service jobs in the future.

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful.  Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

Should You Hire an NYPD Disqualification Appeals Attorney

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-NYPD Disqualifications – Why Was I Disqualified?

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– pre-employment evaluation
– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
– forensic assessment
– police psych exam disqualifiers

70+ Google Reviews for The Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin

Will an Arrest Record Prevent the NYPD from Hiring Me?

Being arrested, receiving criminal court summonses or traffic tickets will not automatically disqualify you from becoming a Police Officer.

The only statutory disqualifiers to becoming a Police Officer are:

1. a felony conviction,
2. a domestic violence misdemeanor conviction, or
3. a dishonorable discharge from the military.

In essence, these are really the only 3 instances which will get you immediately disqualified from becoming a Police Officer. The NYPD considers the totality of your background investigation when determining your eligibility for employment. However, candidates must remember to ALWAYS be honest and forthcoming regarding all aspects of their background investigation, as there is a good possibility that any type of deception or omission of pertinent background information will lead to a disqualification. This point cannot be stressed enough. You should NEVER lie to your investigator. It is always better to be truthful about your history, background and experiences, then to lie about them or try to hide them.

Tune in to Kevin’s New York Civil Service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information above the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful. Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-Will an Arrest Record Prevent the NYPD from Hiring Me?