It can’t get any worse…

If you are currently disqualified, it can only get better. You have two chances to succeed. First, you could win at a re-interview at the NYPD Psych Disqualification Notice of Proposed Disqualification phase. It is extremely important that you have knowledgeable, experienced mental health professionals and attorneys to

Law Office of Kevin P. SheerinCandidates may have an overflowing inbox with 25, 50 or 100 emails a day.  If you miss a Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD) email for a NYPD psychological disqualification or a Notice of Disqualification (NOD), and you do not respond within 30 days, your appeal may be dismissed.

Candidates may claim, “I never got it!”,

One of my clients was recently called to a second psychological interview with the NYPD.

The interview lasted 3 1/2 hours.

What can you take from this?

One, is that these interviews and processes are not taken lightly. If that were true, the psychologist would not have spent 3 1/2 hours with the candidate and

NYPD Cops Urged by Flyers Circulating to Call Out Sick on Fourth of July | Inside Edition

The NYC Civil Service Commission has posted on their website that they are operating at an alternate site due to COVID-19.

You may email them rather than attempting an in-person visit regarding your NOPD or NOD in connection with your NYPD Psych DQ or NYPD Psych Review.


NYC Civil Service Commission announcement.