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Failed the NYPD Psychological Test? – Now What?…

If you fail the NYPD Psychological Test you will receive (by email) a Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD) stating that you are psychologically disqualified from the NYPD Police Officer title. You have thirty days from the date of the NOPD to appeal. For a successful outcome, you should hire both an attorney and a psychologist experienced in the appeal process, who will help you file a rebuttal report. This report will be sent to the NYPD Candidate Assessment Division for review.

After your psychologist’s report is reviewed you may receive an email directing you to come in for another interview with a NYPD psychologist. During the interview the psychologist will review the reports prepared by both the original NYPD psychologist and your expert. You can expect to be questioned on any inconsistencies between the reports and the problem areas found by the first NYPD Psychologist who chose to disqualify you. This re-interview is an important step in the appeal process which should not be taken lightly. Be sure to hire a seasoned Attorney and Mental Health Professional who are experienced in this type of appeal process.

Kevin Sheerin is an experienced civil service disqualification appeals attorney, with extensive knowledge on how to appeal your Disqualification. Over the years he has helped many clients win their appeal. He can help you too.

If you have questions about your NYPD disqualification and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact Kevin Sheerin at 516-248-0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com

-Failed the NYPD Psychological Test? – Now What?