Law Office of Kevin P. SheerinCandidates for NYPD and Nassau County Police Department and other law enforcement agencies may not be aware that the oral psychological exam can be rough.  The examiner, most often a Psychologist, can use an aggressive questioning pattern to find out if the candidate can handle confrontation.  The psychologist may also repeat previously asked questions to

Law Office of Kevin P. SheerinThe NYPD re-interviews candidates who receive NYPD psychological disqualifications.  This re-interview most often occurs at NYPD Psychological Services in East Elmhurst.

The only way to get a re-interview is by appealing your NYPD psychological NOPD within 30 days.

If your goal is to become a police officer, you must do considerable homework before filling

NYPD Cops Urged by Flyers Circulating to Call Out Sick on Fourth of July | Inside Edition

The NYC Civil Service Commission has posted on their website that they are operating at an alternate site due to COVID-19.

You may email them rather than attempting an in-person visit regarding your NOPD or NOD in connection with your NYPD Psych DQ or NYPD Psych Review.


NYC Civil Service Commission announcement.