Law Office of Kevin P. SheerinThe NYPD re-interviews candidates who receive NYPD psychological disqualifications.  This re-interview most often occurs at NYPD Psychological Services in East Elmhurst.

The only way to get a re-interview is by appealing your NYPD psychological NOPD within 30 days.

If your goal is to become a police officer, you must do considerable homework before filling

New York Civil Service Attorney Law Blog | Law Offices of Kevin P. Sheerin

If you received a Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD), you can appeal. I offer a free consultation for NYPD Psychological, medical or character/background disqualifications. Please call 516-248-3494 or email me at to arrange for your free consultation. There are two factors that are crucial in your disqualification appeal. The first is following the appeal