Drug Testing Procedure Was Not Followed Accurately Therefore ALJ Dismissed Charges Against Sanitation Worker
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Employment Law
Drug Testing Procedure Was Not Followed Accurately Therefore ALJ Dismissed Charges Against Sanitation Worker
Drug Testing Procedure Was Not Followed Accurately Therefore ALJ Dismissed Charges Against Sanitation Worker…
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Department of Environmental Protection Did Not Properly Execute Rules to Hold Sewage Treatment Worker Responsible for Misconduct
Department of Environmental Protection Did Not Properly Execute Rules to Hold Sewage Treatment Worker Responsible for Misconduct…
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Department of Transportation Failed to Follow Guidelines for Employee Lateness and the ALJ Recommended Lesser Punishment
Department of Transportation Failed to Follow Guidelines for Employee Lateness and the ALJ Recommended Lesser Punishment…
Continue Reading Department of Transportation Failed to Follow Guidelines for Employee Lateness and the ALJ Recommended Lesser Punishment
Sanitation Worker Given 30 Days Suspension For Misconduct Rather Than The Suggested Termination
Sanitation Worker Given 30 Days Suspension For Misconduct Rather Than The Suggested Termination…
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Petition Against OCA Transferred to Appellate Division for to Determine if Termination is Supported by Substantial Evidence
In the Matter of John Dickinson v New York State Unified Court System, Office of Court Administration
Pursuant to Article 78, Petitioner, John Dickinson, seeks to annul the determination of Respondent, Office of Court Administration (OCA), to terminate Petitioner.
John Dickinson, Petitioner, was an Associate Court Clerk for OCA. He was terminated from his position…
NYPD April 2011 Cadet Class postponed
April 2011 Police Academy Postponed
April’s Police Academy has been postponed until July 2011. July’s class will consist of 900 members, including the 540-cadet class members who were postponed in January. The city’s goal is to save money by having only one class for the year.
NY Daily News
Petition Dismissed Due to Four Month Statue of Limitations
In the Matter of Jerome Skrine v New York City Department/ Board of Education
Petitioner brought this Article 78 proceeding to seek to compel Respondents to accept the revocation of his resignation.
On October 31, 2008, Petitioner resigned from his position as a tenured special education teacher. In a letter dated June 10, 2010, Petitioner…
Retirement Benefits Denied Due to Substantial Evidence Presented by New York State
Retirement Benefits Denied Due to Substantial Evidence Presented by New York State
In the Matter of Stephen C. Caruana v. Thomas P. DiNapoli, as Comptroller of the State of New York, et al..
Petitioner, Stephen C. Caruana, sought to review a decision of Respondent which denied his application for accidental disability retirement benefits.
In March…
Performance of Duty Disability Retirement Benefits Application Denied; Petitioner Suffered from Various Risk Factors Before Heart Attack.
In the Matter of Juan C. Rivera v. Thomas P. DiNapoli, as Comptroller of the State of New York, et al.
In this Article 78, Petitioner sought for to review a determination of Respondent which denied Petitioner’s Application for disability retirement benefits.
In 2004, Petitioner Juan C. Rivera, a correction officer, suffered a heart attack…