Should you appeal an NYPD Psychological Disqualification?
Certainly it
NYPD psychological disqualification appeals attorney-Kevin P. Sheerin
Certainly it
For more information on how to appeal a Civil Service Disqualification click on the link below:
I have been a New York Civil Service Law Attorney for more than 18 years. I can help you with your disqualification appeal for the NYPD, NYC Police Department; FDNY, Fire Department of NYC; NYC Department of Sanitation;…
Frequently the question arises, should I take action and file an appeal or withdraw from a disqualification.
The answer lies in the circumstances and facts involved in your disqualification. There may be occasions when more time between incidents that caused you to be disqualified is a good idea, and you may wish to withdraw and…
Candidates may have an overflowing inbox with 25, 50 or 100 emails a day. If you miss a Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD) email for a NYPD psychological disqualification or a Notice of Disqualification (NOD), and you do not respond within 30 days, your appeal may be dismissed.
Candidates may claim, “I never got it!”,…
Can you get an attorney to help you with a Notice of Proposed Disqualification (NOPD) from the NYPD?
The simple answer is yes.
The NYPD has recently started interviewing psychologically disqualified NYPD Police Officer candidates who received a NOPD, after the candidate was evaluated by an independent psychologist and their psychologist submitted an expert report…
According to the following in USA TODAY, appointing police agencies are requesting releases from applicants to review their Facebook pages for negative information. Read the article here
I have been a New York Civil Service Law Attorney for more than 18 years and I can help you with your disqualification appeal for the NYPD, NYC…
May, 2021 – “Kevin Sheerin did an excellent job with my appeal. A straight shooter that gets you to the finish line with ease. Highly knowledgeable and thorough. Reasonably priced and worth every penny. I highly recommend his services!”
Daniel G.
March 23, 2021 – “I was found psychologically qualified after a second …
This is a short video about the New York City Civil Service Law Section 61, known as the 1 in 3 rule.
If you have any questions about the 1 in 3 rule, please do not hesitate to call me at 516 248 3494.
Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin
Twitter: @DQLawyer
The first notice you will receive when you are NYPD disqualified is a Notice of Proposed Disqualification or NOPD. You will have 30 days to respond to this NOPD. It is recommended that you consult with an attorney to protect your rights and make the most compelling arguments to increase your chances of getting a…
Below is a link to my video explaining the process for NYPD disqualifications, FDNY disqualifications, Department of Correction disqualifications, as well as other disqualifications.
As a civil service appeals attorney with more than 18 years of experience, I have helped many NYPD candidates win their appeal. I can help you too.