Stressed About the NYPD Psychological Evaluation

– pre-employment evaluation
– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
– forensic assessment
– police psych exam disqualifiers

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How Long is the NYPD Psychological Exam?

The NYPD psychological examination is a multi-part assessment that includes both the written test and an oral interview. You should expect the exam to take several hours to complete. The following is a breakdown of the NYPD psychological exam components:

The Written Test: The written test is a full day of paperwork that includes questionnaires, symptom inventories, and personality inventories. The test could include both true/false and multiple-choice questions. The goal of the test is to gauge a candidates honesty and consistency. 

Oral Interview: The oral interview is a one-on-one evaluation with a psychologist in which a candidate will be asked about their educational, employment, psychological, medical, and legal history. The interview may also delve into a candidate’s social relationships and any areas of concern. You should expect the interview to take about an hour, but it could take longer if the psychologist chooses to ask additional questions.

Preparation: You should bring your resume, transcripts, and any other relevant documentation to the interview. Candidates should be prepared to answer all of the questions honestly and openly. You should practice answering anticipated questions in an effort to improve your time management and speed.

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful.  Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.





-How Long is the NYPD Psychological Exam?