A very important part of the NYPD Police Officer Application Process is the Candidate background investigation. This process can be the deciding factor as to whether or not you are deemed eligible to become a Police Officer. You need to have a clean record if you want to be approved by the hiring agency. Passing the psychological screening is also a vital step in the hiring process. 

The background investigation will begin the moment you submit your application. Since the hiring process can take a very long time, you should remember to quickly notify the hiring agency of any changes that may occur from the time you filed your original application (i.e.: address, phone number, contact information, jobs or any other information that has changed since your original application). Not only is it smart to do this as soon as possible, but such diligence will work in your favor, as it shows that you are responsible and are able to follow through on tasks without being prompted. It will also save you time, since the investigators will not have to guess where you currently reside or how to contact you.

The background investigation involves the hiring agency looking into the following:

Friends/Family: The hiring agency will delve into your personal life. They will check in with your family, friends and relatives to find out what kind of person you are. Investigators will make personal visits to your home and ask your family and friends many questions and gather personal information about you. And, if you have been divorced within the past ten years, they will also interview your ex-spouse.

Education: The investigators will obtain transcripts from your high school and colleges to verify the educational information you provided on your application. They may also interview former teachers, professors and classmates.  And, they will check to see if you had any disciplinary actions against you while in school.

Employment history: The background investigator will check with your previous employers to find out why you no longer work for them. If you can get a positive referral from your previous employer, this could work in your favor. However, is they discover you were let go for negative reasons (such as failing to fulfil your duties), this could adversely affect your chances of getting a job in law enforcement.

Criminal record: If you have any felony convictions, it will be difficult, if not possible for you to continue through the hiring process, as the hiring agency will question how you can enforce the law, if you are unable to live according to the law.

Credit history: The background check will also include checking your financial behavior. Investigators will check your credit history to see whether or not you are financially responsible, as they feel this gives them insight as to how trustworthy you are.

Drug Use/Abuse: If you currently use/abuse drugs, the Investigator will see this as a sufficient reason to disqualify you. If you currently do not use drugs, but have in the past, whether or not a hiring agency will consider you for the job really depends on that particular department, as the tolerance in different departments vary greatly as to how they view past drug use.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact Kevin Sheerin at 516 248 0040.

Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com

Website: www.sheerinlaw.com

Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com

Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin

Twitter: @DQLawyer

Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com