If you received a NYPD psychological disqualification, you should appeal it as soon as possible. You will want to hire an expert attorney to help navigate you through the appeals process. You will also need to hire an independent psychologist who will evaluate your fitness for the job. An independent psychologist will review the report originally issued by the NYPD Psychologist who disqualified you. Your psychologist will then interview you, administer various psychological tests, and write a rebuttal report to the Civil Service Commission rebutting the contents of the NYPD Psychologist’s report and providing facts and test results explaining why you are qualified and fit to serve as a NYPD Police Officer. Although hiring an independent psychologist does not guarantee that your disqualification will be reversed, it is certainly a prudent choice and your best option.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, please feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516 248 0040.
Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com
Website: www.sheerinlaw.com
Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com
Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin
Twitter: @DQLawyer