NYPD Psychologists are using the California POST Manual: Peace Officer Psychological Screening in their evaluations currently…
The purpose of this Manual is to provide consistency in the conduct of psychological evaluations and the criteria used by psychologists, both within and across law enforcement agencies. However, beyond compliance with POST regulations, there is no intent to impose a rigid standard of practice or otherwise infringe on the freedom of agencies to provide for the conduct of evaluations according to their respective needs and resources, or to preclude legitimate professional differences among psychologists. Rather, the guidance offered here is intended to provide a solid basis for conducting job-related, lawful, valid, effective and efficient evaluations.
While it is common to blame any peace officer misconduct act on the psychological evaluation, one must remember that, like all assessments, peace officer psychological screening is not a perfect science. Decision errors may occur, including both false positives (candidates incorrectly deemed psychologically unsuitable) and false negatives (candidates incorrectly deemed psychologically suitable). The Manual discusses such limitations in an attempt to offset the inflated expectations of hiring authorities and the public.
Although the Manual provides guidance regarding pertinent employment laws and their impact on psychological screening, the information is not intended nor should it be treated as legal advice. Agencies and psychologists are strongly encouraged to work in close consultation with their legal counsel.
For more information regarding the NYPD Psychologists use of the California POST Manual: Peace Officer Psychological Screening click on the following link:
Should you have any further questions regarding this matter…
![Law Office of Kevin P. Sheerin](https://civilservice.sheerinlaw.com/files/2020/03/Kevin-P-Sheerin-Law-Office_010320-2-300x241.jpg)
I have been a civil service disqualification appeals attorney for more than 18 years, and I have extensive experience regarding how to appeal a NYPD Disqualification. Over the years I have helped many clients win their appeal. I can help you too.
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