In the Matter of Jerome Skrine v New York City Department/ Board of Education
Petitioner brought this Article 78 proceeding to seek to compel Respondents to accept the revocation of his resignation.
On October 31, 2008, Petitioner resigned from his position as a tenured special education teacher. In a letter dated June 10, 2010, Petitioner stated that he wanted to revoke his resignation. However, the Board of Education refused verbally. Petitioner went on to admit that he resigned in October 2008 while there were disciplinary charges that were pending against him and the Board of Education did not grant him his due process.
Petitioner also maintained that this Article 78 proceeding is timely because “…the statue of limitations runs from the rejection of the revocation itself, which occurred in June 2010.” Under the Chancellor Regulation C-205(28), Petitioner claimed that he allowed “…to revoke his resignation within five years of the resignation, BOE is mandated to accept the revocation.”
The Court ruled that Petitioner’s action to revoke his resignation in October 2008 was barred by the four month status of limitations. Therefore, any claims Petitioner made after March 2009 was barred.
The court decided to grants the Respondent’s cross motion to dismiss on the ground that the statue of limitations expired and for failure to state a cause of action was granted. The petition was denied and the proceeding was dismissed.
Read more about this Article 78 case here.
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