Matter of Jessica Coulter v State of NY Insurance Department
Petitioner brought about this Article 78 case to review a determination of the State of New York Insurance Department adopting the recommendation of a hearing officer and revoking petitioner’s insurance broker license in New York. Petitioner was charged with untrustworthiness and incompetence as an insurance producer based on her license being revoked by the state of New Jersey and her owing restitution and fines of over $100,000. Additional charges of misconduct included failure to remit payroll taxes to the IRS for a period of eight years and making a false statement under oath. After a hearing regarding these charges, the hearing officer recommended that petitioner’s license be revoked in New York and the Department adopted this recommendation. Petitioner then brought about an Article 78 appeal contended that there was not sufficient evidence to support the determination. The Court disagreed and felt that the evidence was, in fact, sufficient and the penalty of revocation was not disproportionate to the offences committed and thus, not shocking to one’s sense of fairness.
Accordingly, the Supreme Court confirmed the determination, denied the petitioner, and dismissed the proceeding, with costs.
Read more about this Article 78 employment case here.
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