The New York State Civil Service Commission

The CSC exercise authority over the classified civil service of the State.

The CSC retains broad merit system oversight responsibilities for both State and local government.

The functions of the Commission can be divided into three categories:

Quasi-Legislative Authority :The Commission promulgates rules and regulations for the classified service (this includes the Rules for the Classified Service and the Commission’s Regulations).

Appellate Authority :The CSC can hear appeals in disciplinary cases for employees not covered by contract; appeals regarding involuntary leaves of absence; appeals from examination ratings; and appeals from actions of the President of the Commission,

Investigative Authority : The CSC can investigate any matter concerning the enforcement and effect of the Civil Service Law or Rules.

The CSC is comprised of three members appointed by the Governor, on the advice and consent of the State Senate. By law, no more than two Commissioners can be members of the same political party. The Governor designates one of the three Commissioners as the President of the Commission.

The CSC conducts its business during its annual schedule of eleven monthly meetings. 

The Commission Meeting Calendar lists the issues before the CSC at each monthly meeting.

  1. Executive Items :

Jurisdictional: By law, classified service positions are in the competitive jurisdictional class, unless the CSC acts to approve placement outside of the competitive class. CSC resolutions are signed by the President of the Commission and take effect upon signature by the Governor and filing with the Secretary of State.

Text Amendments:The CSC can amend the text of the Rules for the Classified Service, Attendance   Rules and the Regulations of the State CSC (Commission’s Regulations).

  1. Staffing Services : The Civil Service Law allows for discretionary unpaid leaves of absence for permanent employees who depart State service or accept State positions outside of the competitive class. CSC approval

      is required to extend these leaves beyond the original two-year period.

  1. Reinstatements : Within one year of resignation, an agency may restore a former permanent employee to his or her previous job, without examination, if the position is unfilled when reinstatement is sought. Beyond one year from the resignation date, reinstatement requires Commission approval.

4.      The Testing Program:

      Committee on Appeals: The Establishment of Rating Keys for Written Tests.

      Two members of the CSC act as Chairpersons of the Committee(s) on Appeals.The Committee on Appeals decides whether the exam rating keys should be adjusted, based upon candidates’ objections and the Testing Division’s analyses. CSC approve final rating keys, eligible lists can be established.

      The CSC examines proposed changes to the text of municipal civil service rules and proposed changes to the rules.

      RSSL § 211 authorizes the State CSC to waive the § 212 income limitations. A § 211 waiver enables a retiree to accept a full-time government job without compromising the pension benefit earned from prior service

5 . Extensions in Service Over Age Seventy (Superannuation Retirement): Employees who remain subject to RSSL § 70 must obtain CSC approval to continue in office.

6.   Appeals: Aggrieved individuals can appeal departmental actions to the CSC, Appeals from Determinations of the Staffing Services Division , Candidate Disqualification, Appeals from Determinations of the Testing Services Division, Appeals from Determinations of the Director of the Division of Classification and Compensation, Appeals from Determinations of the Employee Health Service Regarding Eligibility under the CSL § 55 (b)(c) Programs & Appeals Regarding Disability Leaves and Reinstatement Issues, a) Reinstatement after Separation for Disability under Workers’ Compensation (CSL § 71 b) Leave for Ordinary Disability (CSL § 72 c) Separation for Ordinary Disability; Reinstatement (CSL § 73) d) Employee Disciplinary Proceedings (CSL § 75 and § 76)

7          Merit Awards: State worker or retiree is eligible to submit ideas through the Employee Suggestion Program.

            Suggestions recommended for an award, is approved by CSC. Awards can range from a Certificate of Merit     to payments totaling $50,000

      8    Conferences : Parties with business before the CSC can request a Conference with the Commission.