For more information on how to appeal a Civil Service Disqualification click on the link below:

I have been a New York Civil Service Law Attorney for more than 18 years. I can help you with your disqualification appeal for the NYPD, NYC Police Department; FDNY, Fire Department of NYC; NYC Department of Sanitation;

When you receive a civil service job disqualification such as a NYPD Psychological Disqualification or a FDNY Medical Disqualification it is crucial that you meet with a civil service law attorney to discuss your case.

Law Office of Kevin P. Sheerin

An attorney who is knowledgeable in the area will be able to explain to you the three steps to

Matter of Loscuito v Scoppetta

Article 78 proceeding was sought to review a determination of Nicholas Scoppetta, as Fire Commissioner of the City of New York. Petitioner knowingly made false statements to investigators in the course of an investigation. Additionally, petitioner was found guilty of six charges of misconduct. The petitioner’s false statements made under