Both parties have started separate legal proceedings to have the Town Land Use Board of Appeal decision thrown out. The Land Use Board of Appeals determined which ruled that the “addition of an asphalt batch plant to a nonconforming quarry is an expansion of mining and requires a special use permit from the Planning Board of the town of Russia.” 

The first petition was filed in early March by 14 residents living near the proposed asphalt plant. The “citizens’ petition” is requesting the court prevent the town planning board from making a decision based on the appeals board’s determination. Also, they are requesting that Respondents, Material Sand and Troy Sand and Gravel, be prohibited from constructing and operating a plant there.

The second petition, “the company’s petition,” was filed on behalf of Material Sand and Troy Sand and Gravel requesting that the Land Use Board of Appeals’ decision be dismissed due to “pre-existing nonconforming use consisted not only of ‘mining’ bt also related aggregate product manufacturing” and for the court to allow the construction of an asphalt plant without the issuance of a special use permit.

Read full article here.